Tuesday, September 2, 2008

An update and an anniversary of sorts!

Well it happened. We are married! It was hands down one of the best days of my life. It was one of the most hectic but in the end I look back at it and just can't stop smiling. Everything went great! That morning was super stressful, I hardly got any sleep the night before, people were hauling things here and there and asking me all sorts of questions, I was super nervous and I kind of felt like I was getting lost in the mix. Then it was time for me to go see Jason before we went and took pictures. From that point on, everything melted away and I was just riding cloud nine! The ball had started rolling. I was able to block out all my stress, concerns, details, other people's needs and just be with Jason. It was great! It was really nice to get me away from everyone and everything and have fun with him...even though it was sooo hot that day! Then the ceremony happened in a flash. There was a cellphone incident...which was hilarious in my book! And then an awesome reception. It all seemed to happen so fast. Then we were off to Maui, which was much needed. I don't think that I've ever been that exhausted before and just the opportunity to relax and have no obligations...heaven. And to be 24/7 with your new husband...priceless. Being husband and wife now...I don't know how to exactly explain it but it's different. It's like a deeper connection and man do we just fit sooo comfortably into our roles...it's great! I do love married life.

Now it's back to real life. This last weekend, all I did was eat, catch up on more sleep and clean and organize. I feel better about our house. It was quite overwhelming to come back to it all. What is nice is just to be able to enjoy the now. Not having a wedding to worry and constantly think about...it's mental heaven for me! I do want to do some retrospective posts about the days leading up to the big event, our time in Hawaii and of course keep everyone current. I will get to those, I promise.

Oh and on this date...2 years ago. I met the most influential and amazing person in my life for a round of minigolf and a few beers. Wow, look where it ended up! I love you Jason and here's to taking chances and knowing that everything happens for a reason...Onwards and upwards(but I don't know how much more upwards we could get! :) )