Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ohhh Goldy!

Amidst all this house craziness our four legged friend has been having some problems of her own. Two Sunday's ago Jason noticed a bump on Goldy's hip that looked irritated. It was gross! It was all infected and just yuck! I took her into the vet on Monday and apparently she has a small cyst that has home to the surface and she licks it and irritates it. Well the choices were we pay a bunch of bucks to have Goldy put under anesthesia possibly putting stress on her liver, have the mass removed, them see if it's cancerous, and then she has to recover. Or we keep her from licking it anymore and put her on antibiotics.

Well yes of course there's a price difference but mainly Goldy loves her schedule. She likes her daily walks, she likes to move on her own, she likes to be normal. So we went with just treating it. I was afraid that they would put her in a cone. She would not tolerate that and honestly neither would we. Well now they have this neck brace type if thing to immobilize their neck so they can't lick. It's a pretty neat gadget called Bite Not Collar.

I think she's not too bothered by it most of the time. She's pretty much had it on for 10 days now. It breaks my heart to look at her in it but mostly I think it's cause her old lady neck waddle gets pushed up to her face...oooh Goldy

Tonight is the first night we are going to try to have it off of her all night. She usually wakes up at some point during the night and whines at us and runs into the bed and the walls trying to push the collar off of her. Cross your fingers that it heals completely and she stops bothering it...I think we could all use a goodnight's sleep!


Sarah said...

Oh little sweetie!!! I hope she's all better very soon and that she doesn't have any cancer :( She's just too precious to be in pain!! I want to snuggle her!

Kristen Mouw said...

poor Goldy. She's pretty lucky to have such good parents though.