Saturday, May 10, 2008


Greetings from mass chaos central. This week has just been a bear. It's been a tough week at work. We've had meetings with wedding vendors which just means trying to focus on making decisions on things I have no idea on and dropping mass cash. We've had meetings with new house people, walk through with the builder, communication back and forth with our agent, their agent, the builder, our lender, our insurance agent....enough to make a full time job out of that or at least to make your head spin.
I've been trying to eat healthy and get enough sleep. I try to sneak a few workouts in here and there but it just doesn't seem like enough. Today I ran the Race for the Cure. 3.1 miles...yeah I probably should have walked since I ate pizza last night, lifted way too much at the gym last night, didn't hydrate enough last night, haven't been on a run in ages oh and forgot to eat anything this morning before the race. I almost ran all the ways but towards the end I started getting dizzy and I thought the best thing would be to just walk the last quarter. My time was 35 minutes. Not great but given the conditions, I'll take it. Now my body just hurts.
Now time for some good news! We have the Boise house rented! The new choir director from St. Johns recently relocated and needs a place for him and his wife. He stopped by today to look at the place drenched in cardboard and he wants it! I hope they enjoy our house as much as we have. He's moving in May 31st so we have a lot to do to get the place all ready for them. I'm just totally relieved...
Our movers are scheduled for Sat 9am. We are working diligently to have everything in boxes and ready to move. Jason right now is busting his balls upstairs packing....I better go help him :).
Wish us luck this next week, we will definitely need it. But the payoff will definitely be worth it.


Sarah said...

Girl you are CRAZY!! But, I'm so proud of you for running the race! Hope this week flies by for ya..and congrats on the quick rental!

Jason Haberman said...

Hey baby... When does the fun start, anyway?

"It's all gonna be worth it"

Love you!