Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Few of my favorite things...

I've been pretty bad about keeping this blog thing up to date. Lately I've been keeping myself busy with tax season amping up at work and trying to get my butt to the gym as often as I can. I've been thinking about this post for awhile and it probably should have been one of the firsts. So those who don't know me, or those who have been MIA with me, or those who think you know the words of Julie Andrews here are a few of my favorite things (in no particular orderish).

First and foremost of course my hunka hunka burnin love.

We met in September 2006, engaged December 2007 and getting hitched on August 16th, 2008! He's a wonderful man and I am so lucky to have met him...even though he is a stinkin' Bronco...but he does have street cred. He amazes me everyday!

Next up my lovely Goldy Girl!

I found Goldy just about 3 years ago at the Humane Society. She's no spring chicken...she's knocking on the door of 12 years old. She definitely tries my patience at times, is obessed with food, and is border line neurotic...but I love her! She is great with kids, doesn't care about other dogs and pretty easy going. She's starting to show her age more and more but she still has to have her walk everyday!

University of Idaho

I am a proud Vandal alumni. I love the time I spent up there and met many wonderful people that are a part of my life now. I love Idaho football...even though we suck for right now. I have faith that the tables will turn...."From the North came a tribe brave and bold!"

The Ocean

I love the water and try to get to the ocean at least once a year. Many of our vacations have been on the west coast. Santa Cruz, CA is one of my favorite places in the world (or at least what I've seen so far) and I was lucky enough to spend a whole week there last June.


So yeah you could say that I am a super fan. I've seen them 10 times in concert, not one of them being in Boise! I have most every album and DVD they have. I hear they are finishing up on a new album...then it's time for me to hit the road!

A few honorable mentions go to running; I never thought I would like it but it's one think I absolutely love to do by myself...just me and the outdoors, power tools; I love 'em so, even though they hurt me sometimes and also a certain someone doesn't trust me with them, tractors; Amazing machines and again I've tried to get one but a certain someone think it's a no...whatever, trash tv; I love my reality/trashy shows and I set time aside each week to watch'em.

Well that should be enough for now. Hope I didn't bore you all!


Jason Haberman said...

Well, baby, you left a bunch out...
(in no particular order)

Rainier Ridge Cabernet
Live Music
Silver Jewelery
Football (Steelers)
Your Morning Coffee
Hot Tubs
Yard Work
Organizing Things
Sleeping in and not having the dog wake you

I could go on and on... :)


Your Hunka Hunka Burnin Love.

Sarah said...

Hey, that's fantastic! And, looking at Jason's list I see that you love cows as well! WELL, I happen to be obsessed with cows. I freakin love them. I want to have property with cows so they can be my pets and they will never be eaten!!

I'd go on with our other similar loves, but Chris is "patiently" waiting for me to go upstairs and watch the, they're so damanding ;)

Kristen said...

your hunk is super cute and you look great too. i love getting caught up with you!!! we need a reunion!

Kristen said...

i forgot to mention that i'm shocked u2 is down so far! oh how times have changed.