Friday, February 29, 2008

I've been kicked out!

...of the garage that is. Last Sunday we planned on watching the Oscars. One of the things I like to do is fill out ballots and see who guess the most correct award winners. So it was just Jason against me. I've done this numerous times before and never won and this year I haven't seen really any of the movies. I really should have rethought this. Anyways the bet was if Jason won he got a week of parking in the garage. And if I won he would wash and vacuum out my car. Well I lost...surprise. surprise!

So I'm outside, scraping everyday at sucks! The good thing is come Monday my car will be snug back in the garage. I can't wait! For now you can all feel sorry for me.


Jason Haberman said...

"kicked out"? Least I remind you that the bet for the garage was YOUR idea...

Boy, it sure is nice parkin in the garage.

We gotta get a bigger house.

Sarah said...

Dude you should make him scrape your windows atleast!! Hey, you could pull a Grumpy Old Men move and throw a fish in his backseat..I'm sure the nice warm garage would help it fester.
